

  • 投稿简谱
  • 更新时间2015-09-04
  • 阅读量796次
  • 评分4
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江苏省常熟市浒浦高级中学 刘金艳

【摘 要】读写任务题型要求学生以短文阅读为基础,进行主旨概括与话题论述写作,全面考查了学生的读写水平。教师要开展读写任务教学,指导学生在阅读短文的基础上概括短文大意,就短文信息拓展话题,完成概要写作和话题写作,提高学生的读写综合能力。

教育期刊网 http://www.jyqkw.com
关键词 阅读;写作;读写整合;读写任务型

中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-0568(2015)21-0068-02




2.教学内容:学生阅读一篇600字左右的英语短文(人教版高二教材Module 6 Unit 4 Global Warming “The Earth Is Becoming Warming-But Does It Matter?”),用约30个词概括短文大意,再就全球变暖话题写一篇约120字的短文。

3.教学思路:采用“三段七步读写整合教学模式”,“三段”为“阅读”、“分析”、“写作”三个教学阶段,“七步”为“话题导入”、“快速阅读”、“读后讨论”、“写前指导”、“初稿写作”、“初稿评改”、“总结完善”七个教学步骤。教师采用师生互动、学生合作探究相结合的教学方式,指导学生阅读短文,找准主题句和教育期刊网 http://www.jyqkw.com
关键词 ,概括短文大意,分析文章结构和内容,延伸、拓展相关话题,通过读后讨论、写前指导、初稿写作、初稿评改和总结完善等步骤,完成短文摘要、观点论述两个写作任务,增强学生的阅读能力和写作水平。


(1)知识目标。熟悉语法知识和词汇运用,能分析文章篇章结构和细节信息,找出教育期刊网 http://www.jyqkw.com
关键词 和主题句。





Start the class by introducing the learning goals.

Show a slide: the globe.

Play a video: global warming.

Ask students: “What is happening to the earth?”


【Step2】Fast reading(快速阅读)


Scan the passage to comprehend two questions:

(1)How has caused global warming?

(2)What are the effects of global warming?


Skim the passage again for further understanding.

(1)Analyze the style and structure of the passage.

(2)Find the key sentences of the passage.


Task1 Writing a summary

Summarize the passage with about 30 words.


Discuss what a summary is and how to make a summary.(eg: key words and sentences, brief ideas of passage)


【Step4】Preparation for writing(写前指导)

Provide skills on how to write a summary.(eg: get headwords and topic sentences, reorganize information)

Give examples of the first sentences in a summary.(eg: The passage mainly talks about…)



Students write a summary with about 30 words individually.

【Step6】Assessment and comparison(评价比较)

Ask some students to read aloud their summaries.

Ask students to comment the preceding summaries.

Give students a sample to make a comparison.

【Step7】Summary and improvement(总结完善)

Help students summarize how to make a summary.(eg: hold points, avoid details, abandon original sentences, avert our own opinions)

Ask students to revise and improve their summaries.


Task2 Writing a short essay

Write an essay on global warming with about 120 words, including the following key points:

1.What difference can we make to slow down global warming?

2.Call on people to take action.



Divide the whole class into groups to discuss topics on measures to slow down global warming.

Ask some students to talk about their opinions.


【Step4】Preparation for writing(写前指导)

Show students pictures about what the individuals and the government can do to reduce global warming, and instruct students to get information from pictures.



Divide the writing task into three small tasks and then divide the whole class into three groups. The students in each group will finish a small task individually.

Group1: Write about what individuals should do in our daily life to slow down global warming.

Group2: Write about what the government should do to slow down global warming?

Group3: Call on people to take action to slow down global warming.


【Step6】Assessment and revision(评价修改)

Ask students to comment their writings together in each group according to the standards given by teacher.

Then each group will recommend one or two excellent compositions to present on the projector.


【Step7】Summary and improvement(总结完善)

Direct students to summarize some writing skills.(eg: good handwriting, avoiding grammar mistakes, various expressions and sentence patterns, using transition words and sentences)

Assign homework: Ask students to finish the whole writing task after class,paying attention to some writing skills.




教育期刊网 http://www.jyqkw.com


